Opportunity: Don't Wait, Be Creative!

Sometimes last week around Ikeja GRA axis, I saw a guy with this inscription on his T-shirt 'Do not wait for your future, create it.' The deep meaning of these words didn’t sink in and I casually waved it off. Recently, I had a chat with a friend and she shared a picture of a lovely painting of the popular Beauty and the Beast story with me. I was pretty astonished – not at the quality of the painting – but at the fact that she has so much talent than I knew. I have always known her flair for artworks – she’s also a budding poet! But I never thought she is that blessed. So I inquired of her, “What else do you do that I do not know of?” She replied, “I’m a jack of all trade and master of none”. Then I advised her to pick one of her supposed numerous talents and groom herself on it.  Her response threw me aback, “I need a sign, a writing in the cloud… a letter from the Pope.”
Photo Credit: motivationgrid.com

Opportunity to thrive in a chosen or desired field can only come in two ways; either you wait for it or create it. The desire to go at your dream - not waiting for its manifestation - is what would make it come true. No one should keep waiting for any supposed sign. If your ship doesn’t come in, swim to it! In fact, the only sign you need is passion which I believe is already in existence before one would give any idea a thought.
The world of today has greatly metamorphosed from what it used to be decades ago. Gone are the days when the queue for a rising star by the corporate world is high. Now, there are numerous rising stars with the queues thinned out. The corporate world has her hands full already. But then, there is always room for an extra soul – not just an ordinary soul but an extraordinary one who isn’t waiting for silver linings, shooting stars or presents under the Christmas tree. The only way you can make a way out of your passion is rubbing it on the faces in the relevant field. Thomas Edison famously said, "The value of an idea lies in the using of it."
Everyone is born with a talent. A unique gift that may be similar to other people’s but incomparable and immeasurable. God has so created everyone that the resources we need to change our world are boxed in our brain. Unfortunately, most people have failed to unbox the gift. Everything we use today emanated from someone who diligently unwrapped the gift in him. Aeroplanes, mobile phones, electronic gadgets, aesthetic houses, social media networks, food, culture, education, fashion etc were just an idea in someone’s head before it became what we currently make do with today. Funny enough, there’s going to be a continued modification of most – if not all – the amenities we use today. If the initial inventors didn’t act on their ideas, then we’d most likely still be living an 18th-century life in the 21st century. "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." Warren Buffett

Another fact – if you refused to create something meaningful out of your idea (either because you’re not ready or you’re waiting for a sign), someone somewhere would do it for you and you will lose out. I once read that Graham Bell wasn’t the initial inventor of the telephone. A handful of inventors already started work on the telephone but Graham Bell was perhaps undeterred. He picked it up the challenge and created that amazing gadget. Perhaps, all you need to do is identify a need, relate it to your idea and give it a big bang.
Most would return to their creator with their gift still locked up in their head lamenting that the world never gave them the chance to unveil their talent or they never thought it wise to exercise it. God’s response is well documented in the Holy Book (Parable of the Talent).
Definitely, I know you wouldn’t love to be listed among the also-ran (those who never contested to be great or fell by the wayside). 

Till I come your way again, enjoy this little quote from William Arthur Ward - "Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them." 


Quotes Credit: www.inc.com


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