The holiday season is gradually fizzling out and everyone is tilting back to their norms – work, business and career. It is no gainsaying that virtually everyone has a vague idea of what they want their 2016 to be like. From personal development to property acquisition, there is just no limit to what a man can envision achieving this year. However, most people come into the New Year with the backdrop of failed 
or abandoned projects in the last year thus leaving them at a crossroad. This tends to subconsciously affect the pace at which they actuate their goals and resolutions for the year. 
Alan Cohen once said, “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” Do not let the shortcomings of last year haunt your new year.
Think about this and write it down, “If this was the best year of my life, what would have to happen?” With that noted, I will like to unveil to you the secret codes that will spur you to greater success this year.

1. Roll Over Old Goals: Just like in university when all carry over courses are registered first ahead of regular courses in a new session, so also should you bring forward all uncompleted projects in 2015; the near misses and those you didn't even act on. Lay them out ahead of your new goals. Prioritize them this year and incline your heart towards achieving them first before your new goals. You can however run your old goals and still be open to a fresh start. Open your box of ideas and allow your creative instinct come alive, dream again because dreams do come true.
2. Work with a preference scale: I've come to discover that most people are always at sea with what ambition to pursue. They've got loads of idea locked up in their head and it's increasingly difficult for them to settle down with one. All you need to do is employ the preference scale. You arrange all your goals in astronomical order, i.e., base on their weight of importance. Set them on a preference scale of 1-10 with 10 being the biggest. Then pick the goal with utmost priority (which is of course the goal with biggest weight) and focus solely on it. This will ensure you record a tangible success in no time. 
3. Work with a template: I'm sure you've heard the catch phrase, "There is nothing new under the sun". Virtually all that is there to achieve have been done by one person or the other. All you need to do is get a template, work with it and make a stark improvement on it to suit your taste. Seek advice from professionals who have seen it all in whatever goal you trying to accomplish. Gather even the tiniest details and implement it in your own work ethics. This will not only inspire you but also ensure you record reasonable success. The key to success is following someone else's example while making your own contribution unique.
4. Go with passion and fascination: Most reasons why people fail to achieve their goals is because they ventured into endeavours that contradicts their passion. You've to be intrigued with whatever you're pursuing. Going on a passionless or less fascinating mission to succeed is suicidal. Doing what you love and giving it your best shot will quicken your steps toward success. An adventure based on unimpassioned endeavours is meaningless and hardly materialize into success. Never make the mistake of delving into platonic ventures. Such success - if eventually attained - is very difficult to manage and at such do not last a lifetime.
5. Keep your oars out: Successful people at one time or another faced grave decisions in time of crisis but no success would've been alloted to them had they thrown in the towels. Stormy situations don't last forever. When you've got a face-off with one, go back to the drawing board and come up with a strategy to outwit such situation. That is true mark of someone who will never take NO for an answer. Problems and difficulties will surely come your way when riding on the highway of success. The only justifiable thing to do is face the challenges head on and keep moving forward. 
6. Save: Learn to be prudent in your spending. Exercise the rule of saving. Cultivate the habit of saving for rainy days. Quit behaving prodigally and start practicing 'SAYE' (Save As You Earn). Spend after you save not save after you spend. At the end of the day, you'll have enough to fall back on when in dire financial help. 
7. Minimize Luxury: Most people tend to spend to impress or suppress so called 'oppressors'. That's a very bad reason to dole out cash. This year, develop a habit of saying NO to unnecessary spending and extravagant outlays. You don't have to buy that expensive 'aso-ebi' out of being peer pressured (sic) when you know you're financially handicapped. These people won't be there to bail you out when you slide deep into a huge financial mess. Do all you can to cut all excessive expenses, every prodigality and learn to live way below your purse. This will ensure you're financially stable to successfully see out every project you embark on. Bottom-line; be thrifty in your spending. Spend wisely!
8. Friend-Ship: As the popular saying go, 'Your friends can either make or break you'. Cut off every unnecessary and unprofitable social and emotional tie. Dissociate yourself completely from such friend-ship before you get shipwrecked. Unambitious friends will keep dragging you down. They're destiny delayers. Mingle with forward thinking people whose sight are set on breaking new grounds. Act proactively and lead a life of a high-flyer this year.
9. Avoid procrastination: Procrastination is the biggest killer of time and destiny. This year, try your utmost best never to leave an important project undone or postponed till later date. Time and tide waits for no man. Never derail a project for pleasurable experience. Road to success is very hard. Don't 'cause of an obstacle delay a project till when you feel will be best convenient. You might never find that convenient time to complete the task. 
10. Practice Giving: There is no fallacy to principle of giving. Make it a cross to touch people's life and God will surprise you this year. Do not wait till someone come knocking or wailing at your door before doing so. Take a look at your immediate environment; identify one or two lives you can extend your hands and heart of love to. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver.
With all this said and done, you're in for a great and awesome year. Never give up, keep striving on. Remain positively inclined and orientated towards a successful 2016. Have a successful, glorious and prosperous year ahead!


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