"I am a certified graduate!”. I've been screaming that to the world for weeks. It is now beginning to dawn real hard on me that there is a life after a university degree. Of course, many people seem not to be bothered about this. I can't help but imagine what my life is probably going to become in the next few months.
There is about three months before the clarion call to serve our fatherland and undergo the mandatory one year national youth service is made. This thus brought me to this question. "What'll I do before service?" Now is the time to start preparing, drilling and gearing for life's real experience. Are you at sea about what to do prior to youth service? Dark clouds enveloping your head? No worries! This few tips should bail you out!

1. Get that Professional Certificate /Degree: This is pretty necessary for students that studied professional courses in the university. Accountancy, statistics, mathematics, engineering, Agriculture related courses etc. Financial constraint may constitute a huge problem as most of these programmes require gruesome sum of money but hey, it's worth it! Sweat now, smile later. It adds gloss and some needed degree of quality to your already growing résumé, builds your intellectual capacity and of course, duly refines your glowing carrier in the foreseeable future. It is not compulsory you sign up for one pertaining to your field. You could go with passion here. Say, take a course in cinematography or software programming. However, not all courses can be completed within this short space of time so I’d advice you pick carefully. I'm definitely not expecting you to sign up for a(n) ICAN or ACAA programme. Wrong timing pal!

2. Attend Seminars: If you find it difficult to procure that professional course of choice or your course of study does not require one (which i seriously doubt), then seminars are your next/best bet. There are so many seminars out there you can attend to groom yourself. Be it on academics and careers, life-changing programmes, vocational works, relationship etc. Most of it is free while those not, attract just a meagre sum. Seminars help in terms of capacity building and give a mental picture of what you want to make out of life. I must however warn, not all seminars are worth attending as most are waste of time and resources. Scrutinise  one which apply to your current need and careerbefore you sign up.

3. Learn Handicrafts: Not everyone is going to make a living with their certificates (It's a fact). Handiworks to the rescue! Make it a priority to learn something today. There are so many artisan jobs you can learn in three months. From barbing, tailoring/fashion designing, hairdressing,shoe making, welding/blacksmith to catering, interior decoration and designing, web designing and computer programming, phone/laptop repair engineer and the list remain endless. Dig deep and fish out anyaffiliated with your passion. This will help out at the long run. Knowledge acquired is never lost or wasted. Trust me!

4. Go on that Vacation: Now is the perfect time to visit places you've always dreamt and drooled about. Plan a trip alone, with your friends or family. This will ensure you enjoy this little break from school life and also relish every moment with friends and family before youth service.With al, your bank account will definitely get tampered with in the process. No pain, no gain.

5. Visit Relatives: We all have that old uncle or aunt, distant cousins or relatives we have not seen for a whole. Why not take it up on yourself to surprise them this period. The festive season provide the perfect avenue to do so. Am sure it will cost you nothing, albeit, fetch you much more. You might receive financial boost and/or material gifts and of course, strengthen your family relationship. Cast not your mind on the reward but on the purpose and motive behind your visit which should be solely based on family relationship strengthening.

6. Get a Job: Comfortable sitting at home and watching TV all day? Running low on cash? Why don't you get your butt off that cushion chair and take a stroll down the street. Hustle hard and get a job to satisfy your insatiable needs and cushion your financial weight. This might make you less a burden (no offence) to your parents. The problem is that youths nowadays are very lazy and keep looking for a million dollar job and inadvertently end up with none. A job worth #10,000 - #20,000 monthly (or more) should be enough for you to 'pass time' before your youth service. At least you'll get to leave 'boring' home daily and tops all, get acquainted with things going on in your 'hood which might prove helpful at the long run. If you are lucky enough to have parents who run good private business(es), delve into it too. Assist your parents and increase your technical-know-how on such business. Trust me; you might just be making headway out of life. You just don't know it yet. I must confess, searching for jobs is a herculean task as I’ve been victim on countless occasions. There is high tendency you might encounter Pons asinorum. Most jobs out there are menial ones which are also good to some extent though below par to your newly acquired status. Don't give up yet. Strive harder. The choice is however yours. A Yoruba adage has it that "He who wants to eat honey from the rock should not care about the blunted axe".

7. Live Your Dream: Asides whatever course we've studied in school, we all have that biting talent deep within us that's thriving to explode as well as crying for recognition. Lots of youths have killed or suppressed their endowments owing to lack of time in school or distractions so to say, which such talent if given chance might cause. Everyone has got supposed valid excuses, no doubt. How about you give that talent the much craved chance today. Some have got special knack for singing, acting, writing, painting, dancing, modeling etc. Take it upon yourself to groom that natural gift today. Go for auditions, open mic events, display your adroitness in dance or choreography sessions, sign up for an art expedition or be a protégé of an artist, start out as a studio rat and so on. This will do you a lot of good. You never can tell, you just might be on your way to stardom! You can be the next national superstar! Olawale, the famed project fame 6.0 winner is a living testimony. Young Amarachi, winner of the first Nigeria Got Talent Show and a host of other superstars too. The list is endless. It is never too late to make a career out of your natural ability. The most successful people on earth delved into passionate careers.

8. Meet People: Attend special functions, gathering of elites if chanced. Mingle with forward thinking people that will help shape your destiny positively. Learn something new about their life and how they become successful. Borrow a leaf from their life escapade.

I hope this tips will help your decision making. Above all, remain positively inclined towards impacting judiciously to your life and immediate environment.


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